Impacts of Global Change on Tropical Ecosystems - cross-cutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres

Joint Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation & Society for Tropical Ecology

Marburg, Germany 27.-30.07.2009



First Announcement

The first joint meeting of the gtö and the ATBC will be held in the medieval city of Marburg, located in the center of Germany, from July 27-30, 2009. Concentrating the strength of two renowned international societies is an excellent opportunity to profoundly foster international collaboration in the field of tropical ecology. For that reason, gtö has decided to postpone the traditional February meeting to late July 2009, the common date of the annual ATBC conference.

The University of Marburg, particularly the faculties of biology, geography and ecomomy will host the meeting at the main lecture hall building of the university.


Tropical biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services are directly and indirectly threatened by a broad variety of human activities, especially by land use and global climate change. Concerning these threats, a great challenge in current ecological research is to gain a sound scientific understanding of biotic-abiotic-human interactions and feedback processes in the complex and highly diverse tropical ecosystems. Comprehensive knowledge in these fields forms the basis to halt the accelerating biodiversity loss in the tropics, and to mitigate impacts of global change on the abiotic, biotic and human spheres. Moreover, sustainable management options particularly adapted to the vulnerable tropical ecosystems are needed to conserve biodiversity and its underlying ecosystem processes. Only this can retain and regain ecosystem goods and services, necessary to improve livelihood of local communities and to contribute to global human well-being. Recently, the controversial discussions concerning agrofuels as well as the progressive proliferation of invasive species and tropical diseases highlights the rapidly increasing interrelations between tropical ecosystems and concerns of outer tropical societies. Consequently, the joint annual meeting of gtö and ATBC hold in Marburg will provide an interdisciplinary platform for intensive discussion on the following main topics.

1. Biodiversity and ecosystem processes
2. Interactions in a changing world
3. Consequences of land use changes in the tropics
4. Ecosystem demands and services

The website for the meeting, which will be continously updated is:

The organizing committee encourages members of gtö, ATBC and scientists involved in tropical ecosystem research to organize symposia for presentations, and welcomes all researchers concerned with tropical ecosystems for oral and poster presentations to this important meeting. Proposals for symposia will be accepted until January 15, 2009. We regret to inform participants that the organizing committee cannot offer direct financial support to any symposium.

Proposals highlighting the main theme and topics of the conference should be submitted for review encompassing the following information:

1. A symposium title
2. The goal of the symposium (half DIN-A4 page)
3. Names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of organizers (two per symposium, note gender equity)
4. A list of potential speakers and presentation titles (5-6)

Proposals for symposia should be addressed to one of the chairpersons and submitted to the following e-mail:

Conference key figures:

Time schedule:
Sunday July 26, 2009: Registration, Ice Breaker
Landgrave Castle, Marburg
Monday July 27 to Thursday July 30, 2009: Scientific program
Friday July 31, 2009: Start of post-conference excursions (optional)

Main Lecture Hall Building, University Marburg, Biegenstr.7, Marburg, Germany

Organization committee:

Chairpersons: Jörg Bendix, Gerhard Kost

Michael Kirk
Prija Davidar
Nina Farwig
Elisabeth Kalko
Eduard Linsenmair
Miguel Martinez-Ramos
Pia Parolin
Hans ter Steege

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