Impacts of Global Change on Tropical Ecosystems - cross-cutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres

Joint Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation & Society for Tropical Ecology

Marburg, Germany 27.-30.07.2009


  Registration and Fees

Register for the meeting using the on-line form HERE:

Registration fees

The registration fee includes access to the scientific sessions, welcome mixer, coffee breaks as well as meeting materials.

Please note, registration will not be processed without accompanying payment of fees.

Registration Type
Form and payment must be received by:
Available until 15 March 2009
Available until 15 May 2009
Applies to all registrations received and/or paid after 15 May until 20 July 2009
Delegate Fee
Student Member (gtö/ATBC) 40 60 110
Student Non Member 80 100 150
Member (gtö/ATBC) 190 210 270
Non-Member (gtö/ATBC) 250 270 330
Conference Dinner not included in conference fee, this fee will be added to the above listed fees 35 35 40
Accompanying person
Icebreaker 15 15 15
Conference Dinner 35 35 40
Excursion see below
1/2 Day Scientific Excursion
Protected Forests in the National Park Kellerwald-Edersee 35 35 45
Eocene Messel Pit Fossil site, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Natural History Museum Senckenberg 45 45 55
Mountain heathlands in the Hochsauerland region 35 35 45
Guided tour to the highlights of the medieval town of Marburg 3 3 3
Visit of EUMETSAT, Darmstadt 45 45 55
CO2 -Fee voluntary contribution*
  15 15 15

Onsite registrations will be charged late fee plus 20 Euro handling fee.

* Carbon neutrality initiative As an important contribution to mitigate global climate change, PRIMAKLIMA is financing and promoting afforestation and forest conservation projects all over the world.

Please check PDF for more details.

Reduced Registration Fee
Scientist from "developing countries" may register as student non members.

Gtö/ATBC members get reduced rates for registration. BECOME A MEMBER NOW!

Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö)
Association for Tropical Biology and Conversation (ATBC)

There are two options for payment:
  • Money order
  • Credit card payment

Money Order:
We need the full name of the participant for payment identification - not the name of the payer if this is someone else! Please transfer the money to our Conference Account

Bank UBS AG Basel, Switzerland
Account No. 0245-998830.46K
IBAN CH240024524599883046K
Purpose gtö/ATBC Marburg
Name of Accountholder Heike Kuhlmann, KCS Kuhlmann Convention Service

Cancellations are only accepted in written form by e-mail or letter. Cancellations received before 30 May 2009 will receive a full refund, less an administration charge of 30 Euro. Thereafter refunds will not be available.

Registration and submission of abstracts

For the submission of an abstract your contribution, please follow the instructions on the on-line registration form and type the text in the appropriate fields.

If you have any questions then please contact us at

Register for the meeting using the on-line form HERE: